Hello, I'm William Zhu, a senior data scientist
passionate about helping organizations understand and serve
customer needs through insights and predictive models.
I received my master's degree in
Computational Social Science from the University
of Chicago in 2022, where I studied Competitive Strategy, Marketing Strategy,
and Consumer Behavior at
Chicago Booth School of Business.
I also gained expertise in computational methods, including machine learning, natural language processing, and
social network analysis.
Here are my projects,
and resume.
I am an avid audiobook listener and regularly host
in-person Ted Talk discussion events in the DC metro area via Bethesda Ted Talk Discussion Club.
Here is a list of my favorite books,
curated from 600+ books
that I've completed over the years. These books have had a profound impact
on my lifestyle, worldview, and business philosophy. Hope you find them valuable as well. Enjoy!